As the holidays approach, some will find themselves at dinner tables and family gatherings where discussions can be challenging, reflecting a range of positions and understanding about history and its legacy. Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) offers this Holiday Placemat for Indigenous Justice with suggestions for navigating the season. Additional resources:
- Teaching Tolerance, Teaching Thanksgiving in a Socially Responsible Way;
- PBS, A Fresh Look at Thanksgiving;
- Zinn Education Project, Native American;
- Westchester Magazine, Hudson Valley's Tribal History;
- National Museum of the American Indian in NYC.
This Friday is Faith Friday! Join us at 6:15pm for pizza and salad. RSVP to CUUCevents@gmail.com by 12 noon on Friday so we know how much pizza to order. Journey Groups, Youth Group and the Adult RE class meet 7:00-8:30pm:

- Teaching Tolerance, Teaching Thanksgiving in a Socially Responsible Way;
- PBS, A Fresh Look at Thanksgiving;
- Zinn Education Project, Native American;
- Westchester Magazine, Hudson Valley's Tribal History;
- National Museum of the American Indian in NYC.
This Friday is Faith Friday! Join us at 6:15pm for pizza and salad. RSVP to CUUCevents@gmail.com by 12 noon on Friday so we know how much pizza to order. Journey Groups, Youth Group and the Adult RE class meet 7:00-8:30pm:
- The November Journey Group theme is Compassion. The packet is online here. Alex Sehdeva is leading the Adult Journey Group. Christine Haran is leading the Children's Journey Group with Diane Keller.
- 8th-12th grade youth meet for Youth Group with Cyndi and Dan Tillman and Imelda Cruz Avellan. This is a social evening. Bring games to share.
- Rev. Kimberley's class, Habits of the Heart, meets for the second time. The group will learn stillness practices and look more closely at their spiritual timelines. All are welcome, even if you missed the first session.
9:30am: The Coming of Age class begins cooking Stone Soup for the community lunch.
10:00am: Music Director, Adam Kent, invites children and youth to find a nook under the piano where they can enjoy the centering music he plays before worship, 10:00-10:10am. This Sunday is the whole congregation Thanksgiving worship service with a cornbread and cider communion. A children's area is available in the sanctuary where children can enjoy quiet activities while experiencing the words, music and rituals of our faith. RE classes and Youth Group do not meet.
11:15am: Community Stone Soup Lunch provided by the Coming of Age class. During lunch, everyone is invited into table discussions as part of the Unitarian Universalist Association's Conversations for Liberation and in support of our own CUUC Inclusivity Project. Read Rev. Kimberley's blog this week for more information.

11:15am: Community Stone Soup Lunch provided by the Coming of Age class. During lunch, everyone is invited into table discussions as part of the Unitarian Universalist Association's Conversations for Liberation and in support of our own CUUC Inclusivity Project. Read Rev. Kimberley's blog this week for more information.
This week, there is one Religious Education newsletter. Click here to read it. If you would like to receive one or more RE newsletters, sign up here.
IN THE COMING WEEKS- Sun Dec 1 - Begin in worship then leave for Deck the Halls festivities in the Fellowship Hall. K-1st OWL & the Coming of Age classes meet. COA Mentor meeting after worship.
- Fri Dec 6 - Youth Group
- Sun Dec 8 - 8:15am RE Council meeting. Begin in worship then leave for RE Classes and Youth Group. Craft Fair.
- Fri Dec 13 - Faith Friday Journey Groups, Youth Group, Adult RE class.
- Sat Dec 15 - Gingerbread House Decorating at the Rockland UU congregation in Pomona, NY (click here for the flyer)
in fellowship, Tracy
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