I am experimenting with different ways to communicate with families. This week, each class and the youth group received a specialized newsletter. You can see each newsletter by clicking below:
- Nursery Families & Childcare Providers: ABC UU Values
- PreK-1st Grade Families & Teachers: World of New Friends
- 2nd-3rd Grade Families & Teachers: Passport to Spirituality
- 4th-5th Grade Families & Teachers: Bibleodeon
- 6th-7th Grade Families & Teachers: Neighboring Faiths & World Religions
- 8th-9th Grade Families & Teachers: Coming of Age
- 10th-12th Grade Families & Youth Advisors: Youth Group
This Sunday, October 20th, will be my first Sunday off. I will be unavailable after Friday evening's programming through Tuesday morning.
Among the priorities outlined for me this year is building connection between the RE and sanctuary sides of the building. We have been inviting all adults in the congregation to serve as a classroom assistant in Sunday morning RE classes (you can sign up here). Youth Group is meeting on 3rd Fridays with other Faith Friday programs. And we are exploring with ways to make worship services more welcoming to children, especially whole congregation worship services when we are together the full hour.
In Children's Worship on October 6th, Lyra and I previewed themes and music that would be included in worship last Sunday so the children would have a deeper understanding about worship, making the sanctuary and service feel more familiar.
If you attended whole congregation worship last Sunday, you might have noticed a few new things:
- The PowerPoint slides now include clip art with pictures to help young children identify which part of worship we are in (thank you, Kim!);
- There was a special paper order of service for the children that included those clip art images plus puzzles on the back (click here to see it);
- There is a new children's area in the sanctuary where children can enjoy quiet activities while experiencing the words, music and rituals of our faith (our thanks to the Force family who donated the adorable bookshelf!).
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New Children's Area in the Sanctuary |
6:15pm Pizza & Community Dinner (RSVP by noon Friday at
7:00-8:30pm Programming:
- Children's Journey Group & Adult Journey Group: We are exploring the theme of "Awe" this month. Packets for the adult group are online here.
- 8th-12th Grade Youth Group: The group is growing! Come for an evening of fun and games, and plan the October 27th children's Halloween party.
- Adult RE Class: You voted and Rev. Kimberley will be offering her class, Habits of the Heart, which begins this Friday! This will be a 6 session class on 3rd Fridays.
Classes and youth group meet this Sunday. We begin together at 10:00am in the sanctuary. After the Time for All Ages story, we leave for classes and children's worship where we meet until 11:30am. Children 3rd grade and younger must be picked up at 11:30am. Those 4th grade and older will be dismissed to head to coffee hour.
- Childcare, ABC UU Values (room 32): Diane Keller and Hans Elsevier.
- PreK-1st Grade, World of New Friends (room 33): The children are learning about Islam. Laura Sehdeva is leading and Rhonda Miller is the assistant.
- 2nd-3rd Grade, Passport to Spirituality (room 24): The children are learning about Judaism. Audra Russell is the guest speaker, sharing about her background in Judaism. Norm Handleman is the assistant. [This class will be moving to room 43 in the next week or two. Stay tuned for more information.]
- 4th-5th Grade, Bibleodeon (room 21): The class is discussing good and evil using the story of Cain and Abel. Suzanne Cacchione and Christine Major are leading.
- 6th-7th Grade, Neighboring Faiths (room 41): The class begins their module about Hinduism. Gail Johnston is leading and Tessa Forte is the assistant. **See the note below about the Sunday evening class visit to Woodlands Temple.
- 8th-9th Grade, Coming of Age (room 11): The youth are exploring images of the Divine from many traditions and discussing how those images might reveal something about the people who believe in them. They will also explore the nature of good and evil, whether those characteristics are innate or learned. Alex Sehdeva is leading discussion about what our UU values teach us about good and evil. Christine Haran is the assistant.
- 10th-12th Grade, Youth Group (room 14): Youth meet with Cyndi & Daniel Tilman to begin planning the children's Halloween party.
Following worship, help Arturo celebrate his 18th birthday with a special party in the Fellowship Hall.
Sun Oct 20 & 27 - Hearts & Homes for Refugees is collecting outerwear for their winter clothing drive. Gently used adult and children's winter coats; waterproof boots (especially boys'); boys' and men's hats, gloves, scarves. New men's and children's socks, fleece throws and small blankets. Bring items to CUUC October 20th and 27th. Contact Karen Leahy with questions.
Sun Oct 27 – The youth group will host their annual children's Halloween party after worship! Games, music, treats, general spookiness... it should be fun! Children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes for maximum fun.
Sun Oct 27 - While children are at the Halloween party, K-1st grade parents will meet for Elementary Our Whole Lives orientation with David Bowen. Parent orientation is mandatory for any child participating. The class is open to friends. Please share this trifold flyer.
Sun Oct 27 - Following our communal meal, please consider staying for the opening concert of this year’s Music at CUUC series in the Sanctuary, featuring Music Director Adam Kent. This family-friendly event will be prefaced by short music appreciation skits with our own Kim and Christian Force and Elias VanDette.
Sun Nov 3 – Healthy Youth Relationships Retreat for 6th-8th grade, 9th-12th grade, and parents/supportive adults (click here for the flyer; register here)
Sun Nov 17 – K-1st Our Whole Lives (OWL) Begins
Sun Nov 24 – COA Families offering the Stone Soup Community Meal & Lunchtime Discussion Groups
1st Friday Youth Group & Journey Group Facilitators
1st Saturday Journey Group Facilitators
2nd Sunday Journey Groups
3rd Friday Adult Journey Group, Youth Group, Children's Journey Group
2nd & 4th Sunday morning Youth Group (with some scheduling exceptions)
I look forward to seeing you! Tracy
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