To those of you who were present at the RE Sunday Service, I am so glad that we were able to highlight the year in RE together and send off the bridgers with great support from the community. I am deeply sorry that I was not able to celebrate at the barbecue with you due to my worsening respiratory virus after the service. I needed to rest, even though I wanted to be at the barbecue with you all. I was looking forward to the individual conversations we would be able to have in that setting. I realize that you wanted to be able to express your appreciation and send off our family, so I apologize for missing that opportunity.
I will be at CUUC the next two Sundays and look forward to seeing those of you who will be attending those services. I appreciate each of you as remarkable unique individuals and the vibrant community you make together.
Barbara, Nora, and I are grateful for the gift of your presence in our lives. Thank you for embracing us within the CUUC community and collaborating with me to create the best possible RE ministry to support each person's faith development. It will be great to see where your commitment, energy, and care take RE next. It is the community of people that makes CUUC what it is.
With appreciation and love,
Please see the following seven (7) announcements:
1) This Sun - RE Fun Sunday
All ages play games together, like Frisbee golf and water balloon toss. Join us for the community fun.
To view the Religious Education Google calendar, CLICK HERE.
To view a spreadsheet version of the RE Calendar, CLICK HERE.
2) Faith Development Friday - Tonight, Jun 15
An evening of learning, spiritual growth, and community
RSVP by 4pm to cuucevents@gmail.com
6:15pm Pizza & Salad Community Dinner
7:00pm Programs Begin...
Faith Like a River
The Wisdom RE Ministry Team invites you to an Adult RE experience facilitated by Rev. Meredith. This class explores the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage. What lessons do the stories of our history teach that can help us live more faithfully in the present? What lessons do they offer to be lived into the future? You may also join this program online via Zoom videoconferencing by going to https://zoom.us/j/2898507899.
Family Journey Group
Parents gather to discuss the theme of faith (facilitated by Barbara Montrose), while children have their own group with activities and discussion based on the theme (facilitated by Perry Montrose, DLRE). Adults without children are invited to participate in the parents’ group.
Youth Group Game Night
Join us for a night of fun with fellow high schoolers. Bring a game and a friend!
Social Time for Adults
Those who would like more time to chat and just be together are welcome to continue hanging out in Fellowship Hall after the meal. Come to simply get to know your fellow CUUCers better, without specific programming.
Also stay for coffee and conversation after the programs.
3) Pet Rescue Collection
This Sun Jun 17

You'll find a list of items HERE.
Look for their collection bin in the lobby. For questions, contact Norm Handelman at yakman42@gmail.com.
4) Thank You to the Craftsmen
A special thank you to...

Ted Kuczinski for building the ark that the 4th-5th grade class carried in the RE Sunday parade.
Craig Hunt for creating the amazing Slombo the Gross mask that he wore for the RE Sunday story.

If you took photos or video at the RE Sunday Service and are willing to share them, please contact Perry at dlre@cucwp.org or perrydlre@gmail.com.
6) All You Need to Bring Is Your Presence
Each CUUCer has an opportunity to connect with our children, youth, and adults in Religious Education.

There are many ways to be a part of it...
- Teach once a month on a six-person team
- Help in an interest area
- Adult RE, welcoming newcomers, social events, social justice, spiritual practices, music, or your special interest.
7) UU Summer Camps & Retreat Centers for Children, Youth, and Families
Unitarian Universalist retreat centers offer the opportunity to connect with UUs from around the country in fun and fellowship. Whether you are looking for a place to go as a family or somewhere for your kids to experience a fun camp, there are many amazing Unitarian Universalist summer destinations:
Ferry Beach is oceanfront in ME.
The Mountain is atop the Blue Ridge Mountains in NC.
The Rowe Center is in the Berkshire Mountains in MA.
Sophia Fahs RE Camp is one week in August on Shelter Island.
Star Island is a 46-acre island off the NH coast.
Unirondack is in the NY Adirondacks.
Murray Grove is a Universalist retreat center nearby in NJ.
UUMAC Retreat is one week in July at DeSales University in PA.
The Central East Region offers a Summer Institute focused on climate change.
SUUSI is a weeklong multignerational event in North Carolina.
Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development
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