If you've signed up for a Journey Group, we hope your facilitator has contacted you by now to welcome you and make sure you know when and where you're meeting. You can now see for yourself by looking for your name on a CUC Matters post: CLICK HERE.
If you haven't signed up for a Journey Group yet, please do! As of this writing, we have 107 people in Journey Groups, including 14 facilitators and 93 participants.
Your Unitarian Universalist journey is one that has the potential to slowly transform your life. Together we can grow in depth and spiritual maturity. We do this by exploring together the significant issues on which religions at their best have always guided people to greater insight -- such issues as faith, death, forgiveness, hope, justice, love, brokenness.
Journey Groups meet once a month for 10 months (Sep through Jun). You'll find them to be tremendously valuable and you won't want to miss a single one. However, even you miss most of your groups meetings, you'll still find it valuable to attend occasionally. Signing up does not commit you to attend -- we just need to know which group you'll go to when you do have a chance to go.
Read more about what Journey Groups are and how they work: CLICK HERE.
See the instructions for how to select a Journey Group and sign up for one: CLICK HERE.
See the Journey Group Monthly Packet for September, "Faith." You can get it as a PDF (good for printing out): CLICK HERE.
You can also see it in blog format (good for clicking on the links included): CLICK HERE.

Practice of the Week: Do What You Can
"As a human being like any other, your biological vulnerability to learned helplessness makes it very important that you recognize where you do in fact have some power, and that you take the actions that are available to you."
Sun Sep 14 -- 10:00am: Worship Service: Faith Like a River
Rev. Meredith Garmon

Addressing September's theme of the month, we ask: What is faith? And what is Unitarian Universalist faith?
Prelude by Adam Kent: 10:00.
Gathering song: 10:10.
Sunday's Music: Adam's piano selections will feature Unitarian composers Edvard Grieg and Bela Bartok: READ MORE...
Sun Sep 21 -- 10:00am: Worship Service: A Matter of Faith
Perry Montrose, Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development

Perry explores the journey of faith development and touches upon the meaning of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
Prelude by Adam Kent: 10:00.
Gathering song: 10:10.
Perry's Posts: The R.E. News
Beginning With Covenant. As the R.E. year begins -- with each class making it's own covenant for the year -- Perry ponders the role of covenant in our faith tradition. READ MORE...
In case you missed them: Here are last week's R.E. News Posts from Perry:
- Welcome to a New Year in Religious Education! Please see six quick announcements. READ MORE...
- A New Model of Engagement. The Religious Education Council held a retreat over the summer to vision new ways of creating dynamic programs for children, youth, and adults. READ MORE...
- R.E. September in the Sanctuary. Children and youth will be starting in the sanctuary (i.e., there's no children's worship) for the four Sundays of September. READ MORE...

People's Climate March: Sun Sep 21
Join Meredith and probably thousands of other UUs as we join an estimated 200,000 marchers demanding action to address climate change!
Details for how to participate in the People's Climate March next Sunday have been worked out. Rev. Peggy Clarke (minister of our UU congregation in Hastings) has done tremendous organizational work.

- Wear a yellow t-shirt and/or yellow ball cap.
- Take Metro North to Grand Central, and
the M train to 58th St.
Times and details:
See also the event website: CLICK HERE.
Saturday Zen: Sep 13
Zen practice at the Parsonage. 10:00 - 11:45a on Sat Sep 13.

Come around to back door.
New to meditation? Come 10 minutes early for a brief orientation.
The Common Read for 2014-15 has been announced. It's Paul Rasor, Reclaiming Public Witness. Order your copy! READ MORE...
Bird Walk: Sun Sep 28. Rev. LoraKim Joyner (Community Minister is association with CUC) will be leading the next bird walk, starting at 8:30, in back of the parsonage. READ MORE...
General Assembly 2015 is in Portland, OR -- Jun 24-28. GA is amazing fun, enriching, deepening, and transformative! I encourage all CUC members to begin planning now to attend.
See September issue of our congregational newsletter, The Communitarian: CLICK HERE.
See Gazette for Sun Sep 14: CLICK HERE.
Yours in the faith we share,
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Perry Montrose
Director of Lifespan Religious Education & Faith Development
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