The theme of the month for April is faith and it begins this Sunday on April Fool’s Day. Many UUs find faith to be foolish, when it is described as blindly following. However, the term contains so much more meaning than that, in a UU context. Paul Tillich in his book Dynamics of Faith defines faith as “the state of being ultimately concerned.” It is an orientation toward what matters most to you. Faith development theorist James Fowler talked of “faithing” as a process of wrestling meaning from life and subjecting it again and again to the scrutiny of our minds, the leap of our hearts, and the reality of action. It is about finding the meaning on which your life centers and deciding how to put that into action. Our UU faith community fosters that discovery. That’s no joke!
Please see the following six (6) announcements:
1) This Sun Apr 1
Easter Egg Hunt and Activities
Join us for our annual RE Easter festivities, including...
- Easter Children's Worship
- Egg Hunt
- Cookie decorating
- Easter crafts
- Egg-and-spoon race and other games
To view the Religious Education Google calendar, CLICK HERE.
To view a spreadsheet version of the RE Calendar, CLICK HERE.

2) Passover Help Needed
Help make the Passover Service and Meal a success.
We need kitchen help on Sat Apr 7 and Sun Apr 8. There are many roles for all skill sets.
To sign up, CLICK HERE.
3) CUUC Recipe Book
Send in your favorite recipe to be included, whether barbecued, baked, or poured, by April 7.
The recipe book will be sold at the Variety Show on Sat, May 12 and the two Sundays afterward, with all profits benefiting the New American Children's Cultural Enrichment Fund.
If you'd like you or your child to be included, please submit the following to Irene Cox at Irene.cox@gmail.com and Erin Foster at eefoster@aol.com:
- 1 recipe
- Your own introduction/description (up to 200 words): perhaps the story behind why you make it, what the dish or cooking in general mean to you.
- A photo of you/your family in the kitchen or a picture you want to share with the congregation.
4) UU Common Read Discussion Sun Apr 15, 11:40
Hosted by CUUC Wisdom Reading and Discussion Group
We will discuss Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want, one of the two books selected for this year’s Common Read. This optimistic book is for Americans who are asking, in the wake of Trump's victory, What do we do now? The answer: We need to organize and fight to protect and expand our democracy.
Facilitated by Rev. Meredith and Sabrina Cleary (clearytheory@gmail.com).

April 27 at 6:30
A night of pizza and community fun!
Help us out by donating a gift to our collection of prizes.
All ages welcome! $5/adult; $3/child; $15/family max. RSVP: cuucevents@gmail.com
6) Refugee Children Need Friends
The family that recently arrived from Afghanistan and is living in White Plains would like to make some new friends. Would you and your children like to meet them, maybe for a play date or shared outdoor activity? (The children are 4, 5 and 10.)
For more information, please contact Jane Dixon, lilrhodie@gmail.com.
Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development
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