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Last Sunday: February 16, 2020
They brought the supplies to RE last Sunday and talked with the children and youth about the challenges some families have to purchase school materials. The children and youth then

Thanks so much to Amy Swiss for coordinating donations and for including RE children and youth in the project.
Amy writes: Thank you everyone! Our backpack drive was a huge success! The RE kids - and many adults - were incredibly engaged in the project this morning and had a blast stuffing the backpacks and writing notes of encouragement to the recipients. We "stuffed" over 70 backpacks and also collected a large additional box of supplies to donate. We delivered everything last Sunday afternoon to be distributed to the Brighter Futures After School Mentor Programs around Westchester. The program was extremely grateful for our generosity, and I'm personally so grateful to be a part of such a caring and generous community ~ Amy Swiss
You can read about the Brighter Futures After-School Mentoring Program online HERE.
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