
Religious Education News: Sun Mar 17

A busy Sunday unfolded last week in RE as the children had another opportunity to engage with Perry on the theme of humility. He conducted a “voting with your feet” contest by posing questions or scenarios that were either humble or bragging. One side of the room was “true” and the other “false.” The answers were flying as well as the feet and the children were eager to get all the answers right! A few weeks ago, Perry and I facilitated a Teacher Enrichment session after worship. The turnout was good, with approximately 15 teachers. Afterward, everyone voiced strong interest in having another session, so we complied with our second edition this past Sunday. There were fewer teachers, but the intimacy of the small group lent itself well to a deeper and more focused discussion. The conversation was productive, blossoming into areas of teaching style, issues with students, class dynamics, etc. Ideas and suggestions thrown out by Perry for possible future RE reorganization were intriguing and prompted many opinions. Once again we ran out of time too soon, opening the possibility of continuing these discussions in the future. Our hope in responding to teachers’ needs and concerns is that we broaden our vested interest and commitment and, more importantly, solidify our community as colleagues.

Michele Rinaldi
RE Coordinator

Looking ahead...

RE This Sunday, March 17
Grades K-5 are in the sanctuary for our multigenerational Westchester UU Congregations combined worship. Kids can sit with parents or use the area set aside for quiet play. Grades 6th-12th are invited to the youth room (14) for breakfast, worship, conversation, and activity planning.

2019 Variety Show Fundraiser, Sat May 4, 5:00pm
Help us get ready for the fun! PERFORMERS (adults AND kids) sign up in the RE lobby; BAKE SALE sign-ups: Contact Benetta Barnett (benettabarnett@hotmail.com); RAFFLE PRIZE DONATIONS: Contact Liz Suvanto (elizabethsuvanto@hotmail.com).

Metro NY Youth Conference, March 29-31, UU Congregation of Danbury, CT
Our spring Youth Con in Danbury is for kids in grades 9-12. At cons district youth meet one another, build community, explore their religious identity, create worship, practice leadership, and have fun. Information and registration links HERE. Registrar is Monica Schlichting (monikai@optonline.net).

Metro NY Spring Junior High Youth Conference, April 6-7, CUUC
Registration is open! This 24-hour event for youth in grades 6-8 is a fun opportunity to connect with other UU youth. Information and registration links HERE. Registrar is Charlie Neiss (cneiss@aol.com).

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