
Religious Exploration: May 7, 2023

Religious Exploration & Faith Development
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
May 7, 2023

2022-2023 RE Theme: Unitarian Universalist Identity
Overview of the Year & Upcoming Schedule

View past newsletters at bit.ly/CUUCRENews
Tracy is Away 
I am visiting my son at school May 6-7. During this time, I will be slow to answer email. Please copy Karen Dreher (KMDreher55@gmail.com) and Christine Haran (christineharan@yahoo.com) on emails.  
Learning Opportunity
Intent vs. Impact

In the 2023-2024 year of RE, we will continue bringing conversations about racism, oppression, and justice making into the curriculum. I encourage parents and RE leaders to participate in these conversations in preparation for upcoming conversations with children and youth. 

Racial Justice Team: "Intent vs. Impact"
Monday, May 15, 7:00pm, Zoom 7899

The first in a series of three online "learning sessions" spread out over the coming months. Each one-hour Zoom session will be on a weekday evening and explore a different topic that has been selected by participants. All are welcome. Contacts: Lane Cobb (lcobb@prodigy.net), Joe Majsak (jmajsak@verizon.net)
Sunday, May 7
Single Point of Entry
We are again utilizing a single point of entry to encourage more interaction with our young people and for safety. Please enter through the main doors by the sanctuary. The RE lobby doors will remain locked. Name tags for children and youth will be on the table in the main lobby. 

Sundays, 9:45am-11:45am, Room 32, Yellow Hallway
Diane, Hans, and Willow welcome young children in childcare. We offer a safe, loving environment where our youngest build community and play outside when weather permits. 

Religious Exploration
1st-7th Grade Classes
8th-12th Grade Special Project
1st-3rd Grade, Our Whole Lives
Room 33, Yellow Hallway 
Christine H and Norm H are leading Session 7, Babies, which focuses on babies once they enter the world and join families. Learning about them can be a way to increase children’s empathy for beings more  vulnerable than they are. Children also learn about growth and change as they learn how babies communicate, why they cry, and what they need. 

Homeinks, for continuing the conversation at home, are below. The Parent Guide for Grades K-1, found online here, is the companion resource for this class.  Children in 3rd grade and younger must be picked up in their classrooms. 

4th-5th Grade Class, Toolbox of Faith
Room 41, Green Hallway
Laura G and Nicholas A are leading session 9, Spirit of Life. The water and the water bottle symbolize the Spirit of Life. In this session, participants reflect on different ways our faith leads us to think about and connect with how the Spirit of Life works in our lives. Reflections may include how pain and hurt as well as joy and wonder can bring a sense of the Spirit of Life, when one may feel connected to everything. The class will visit our stream.

6th-7th Grade Class, Riddle & Mystery
Room 13, Red Hallway
Nicole T and Gus C are leading a session of their choosing.

8th-12th Grade, Special Activity
Room 11, Red Hallway
David B is coordinating a very special project on behalf of RE. Children got it started and we ask youth to help complete it. 


“Commencality” ~ Rev. Meredith Garmon
We eat to live -- and the way we eat, and with whom, reflects how we live. The "open table" represents inclusion, and the sustaining of all.

Visit our website for the Sunday order of service. We continue to wear masks for Sunday morning worship and RE in the building. Revisit past services anytime at youtube.com/TheLiberalPulpit and subscribe!

Click here to join the live-stream of our Sunday Worship or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923 · Webinar: 761 321 991 · Passcode: 468468. Everyone live-streaming the service is invited to stay online afterward to socialize on Zoom. Log in to bit.ly/CUUC-CoffeeHour or phone: 929-436-2866. Meeting: 336 956 2210, Passcode: 468468.

Community Brunch

Sun May 7, 11:30am, Fellowship Hall
We celebrate the conclusion of the Annual Giving Campaign on Sunday with a free brunch for everyone! Please join us as we celebrate together after the service. To all those who returned their pledges, thank you! If you were able to increase your giving to match inflation, we are especially grateful. If you haven't pledged yet, forms are available in the lobby and on our website at www.cucwp.org/giving. Or contact our treasurer Chris Kortlandt (treasurercuucwp@gmail.com).

Upcoming Schedule & Community
Religious Exploration

Sun May 7: 1st-7th grade classes meet, 8th-12th grade youth finish the retirement gift for Rev. Meredith from RE; After worship: Canvass brunch
Thu May 11: Barbara begins a new book (see below, date may change)
Sun May 14: 1st-7th grade classes meet
Tue May 16: RE Council meeting
Sat May 20: RE families and youth make meals for HOPE
Sun May 21: 1st-12th grade PlaceKeeping, collecting and analyzing leaf packs; After worship: Community Forum: Future of RE at CUUC
Sun May 28: Whole Congregation Worship
Sun Jun 4: Whole Congregation Worship; only the 4th-5th grade class meets
Sat Jun 10: RE families and youth making meal bags for HOPE
Sun Jun 11: Whole Congregation Worship - RE Sunday & Bridging; After worship: CUUC annual meeting

Summer Activities
for Families and Individuals of All Ages

There are wonderful opportunities to connect with UUs from all over the continent this summer. Most camps have opened registration and will fill quickly. Register as soon as possible. Some camps are also hiring! Click here for the list

Family and Youth Activity
Meal Bags for HOPE

Sat May 20, 10:30am at CUUC 
We will make bag lunches and breakfasts for HOPE Community Services in New Rochelle. Join us and feel welcome to bring friends. RSVP with Christine Haran (christineharan@yahoo.com) to coordinate food.

We are collecting individual serving items, such as milk and juice boxes, water, fruit cups, and soft granola bars. Look for collection box in the lobby. Frozen items such as French toast, waffles, and frozen sausages (no pork), can be brought in the morning of Sat My 6, or as coordinated with Christine Haran (christineharan@yahoo.com).

Social Media Support
Community Service Opportunity!

We are exploring ways and looking for help to promote our events, taking advantage of all social media has to offer. This can be a community service opportunity for our youth! Contact Janet Bear, jsbear1@gmail.com

Game Night

Sat May Apr 26, 5:00pm Early Games, 6:00pm Pizza, 7:00pm More Games
We had so much fun in April, we're doing it again in May - this time on a Saturday to make it easier for more families to join!

So grab your favorite game and join us for an evening of fun! Whether you bring Scrabble, Uno, mah jongg, Connect 4, checkers, or Hungry Hungry Hippos, come to play or just come to enjoy good company. Help us plan by clicking here to sign up for Game Night. Suggested donation for dinner: $5. Contact Audra Russell (audrar631@gmail.com).

New Book Starting
for Children and Youth

Thu May 11, 7:30-8:30pm, Zoom-3131
Barbara continues reading each week and she's starting a new book on May 11! Children and youth will enjoy hearing Freddie the Detective by Walter Rollin Brooks. Description: The delightful detective story about the beloved animal characters on Mr. Bean’s farm. Freddy the Pig, stimulated by reading Sherlock Holmes, sets up in a business as a detective. Login: Zoom-3131. Contact: Barbara Mair, barbara.k.mair@icloud.com.


Sat May 20, 7:30-10:30pm, Sonesta Hotel, White Plains
Youth & Allies 9th-12th Grade
WJCS Center Lane is back for 2023 LGBTQ+ Prom. This is a special night just for LGBTQ+ youth and their allies in grades 9-12 (please bring school or other ID). Come dance the night away with good food, good music, and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate YOU! Register at tinyurl.com/CLProm23. Contact Center Lane at (914) 423-0610 or centerlane@wjcs.com.

Future of RE at CUUC
May 21 Community Forum 

We are in a time of transition at CUUC, including in Religious Exploration (RE). Please join us Sunday, May 21st after worship for a community forum to expand the conversation about the future of RE with our greater CUUC community. Come listen and share your thoughts and vision for the future. Your participation is important! You can read about our changing context and upcoming plans here, and stay tuned for more soon.

Help enhance our festivities! If you have a photograph of Rev. Garmon to share, please email to Kim Force (kimforce@gmail.com). You can share your favorite memory at bit.ly/RevGarmonMemories. Contacts: Catherine K (catherinekortlandt@gmail.com), Emily E (emily.economou@gmail.com)
Weekly Newsletters
Stay up to date by receiving the weekly RE newsletter (sign up here; read past Issues here) and weekly CUUC e-Communitarian (sign up here; read past issues here).
Tracy Breneman, Director of Religious Exploration and Faith Development, cuucwptracy@gmail.com
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains  
468 Rosedale Ave · White Plains, NY 10605-5419

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